What Could We Do Better for Native Americans?

Home Forums Native Affairs What Could We Do Better for Native Americans?

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    • #1446
      Dan Stewart

      Across the United States, Native Americans still struggle for equality and a higher standard of living in the U.S. They struggle with poverty, addiction issues, polluted land and waters, as well as high rates of homicide, suicide, certain types of diabetes, liver cirrhosis, and more.

      Some of these problems have obvious causes to point to, mainly a lack of industry and a lack of care from surrounding industries when it comes to pollution and poverty respectively. Others, like suicide and addiction rates, are harder to pin down. Are there any clear solutions you see to one or all of these problems? Do you think the reservation system has something to do with these problems? If so, what are some of our other options or how could we improve on the system in place?

      • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Dan Stewart.
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